The Arc of Rockbridge
Human Resource Services
About Us
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
Human Dignity
People with IDD have human dignity. The lives of people with IDD have value.
People with IDD have varying strengths, abilities, and interests. Each person is unique.
People with IDD can make decisions about their lives. People with IDD should be supported to do so as requested or needed.
People with IDD have human and civil rights, which must be protected.
People with IDD are part of and contribute to the fabric of society. Everyone benefits when people with IDD are present and participate.
People with IDD have differing support needs. Society must support people with IDD to achieve their full potential. Society should also help families who provide support for loved ones with IDD.
Society must remove barriers and correct injustices that limit opportunities for people with IDD. Extra action is needed to help people with IDD and their families, who face other forms of bias or discrimination.
Human diversity is beautiful and powerful. We celebrate, honor, and seek to understand the differences in our identities and life experiences.